JUTHOUT® is a trademark, it means driftwood.
I have noticed that there are more and more visitors from other countries on my site.
So I thought it is time to write some words in English to give some explanation about my site.
I make all kinds of home accessories from wood found on the beach.
I collect de wood personally on the beautiful island Terschelling, one of the Dutch islands.
Most of my vacations I visit this island.
The collecting is done in a primitive way, only by man power, because it’s not allowed to ride the beach whit a car.
You can imagine that the wood is a sort of product shortage for me.
That’s the reason why I prefer to make commissioned works. Mother Nature does a beautiful thing for editing on the wood, there is no equivalent piece.
So I carefully pick the right parts of wood to make my creations. Making the same twice is impossible.
You may think that my work is expensive, but I think it’s a reasonable price if you’ll remember it’s a one of a kind product.
If you have any questions please contact me by mail, I can make almost everything, give me the challenge and I will make it for you.
I’m also very curious what you think of my work so please give me your comments.
Greetings, Jan de Vries